The office of International Academic Relations at Al-Qasemi Academic College of Education, promotes the campus internationalization and provides services, support and information for international partners, students, researchers, faculty, as well as for Al-Qasemi academic community.
We cordially invite you to discover the diverse opportunities in study and research programs.

Al-Qasemi places great efforts on internationalization to promote:
- International academic cooperation agreements and partnerships
- Joint international research
- Exchange programs
- The integration of cultural and international aspects within the curriculum and the college’s activities
- International capacity building programs
International Partners
International Projects
ProMentors is a three-year project (2020-2023) that aims to:
- improve the quality of teacher training in Israel through an efficient and sustainable mentoring system based on best EU practices with their mentees.
- advance the MIT (Multiplayer Induction Team) model for a new model of mentors training in Israel.
- facilitate the collaboration of mentors, new teachers, pedagogical guides, and the school staff, in the process of professional development of mentors.
- Al-Qasemi Academic College of Education
- Beit Berl College
- Gordon Academic College
- Hemdat Hadarom College
- Kaye Academic College
- Levinsky College of Education
- Sakhnin College
- Seminar HaKibbutzim College of Education
- Talpiot Academic College (coordination)
- The Mofet Institute
- University of Bucharest, Romania
- University of Exeter, UK
- University of Jyväskylä, Finland
- The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Poland
IN2IT was a three-year project (2015-2018) aimed to:
- develop and implement an innovative technological infrastructure for the purpose of advancing internationalization in higher education
- expand the practical applications of internationalization in Israeli academic colleges
- strengthen the capacities for teaching, learning, research, and training
Internationalization was accomplished by focusing on three core international academic activities:
(a) Teaching and learning academic curriculum
(b) Knowledge sharing by research communities
(c) academy – industry cooperation
All three core academic activities were internationalized with the support of contemporary innovative technologies.
- Al-Qasemi Academic College of Education
- Beit Berl College
- Kaye Academic College of Education
- Ort Braude College
- Sapir Academic College
- Tel-Hai College
- The Academic College of Tel-Aviv – Yaffo
- Brunel University, UK
- Kingston University, UK
- Padagogische Hochschule Ludwigsburg, Germany
- Politecnico Di Milano, Italy
- Universita Cattolica Del Sacro Cuore, Italy
- Universite De Montpellier, France
- Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
- foster academic International Relations in Israeli Colleges
- promote education, research and innovation; and improve the academic quality as well as the status and competitiveness of public colleges vis-à-vis universities and private colleges through the development of internationalism capabilities and culture at the colleges
- Al-Qasemi Academic College of Education
- Beit Berl College
- Kaye Academic College of Education
- Ort Braude College
- ORT Hermelin Academic College of Engineering and Technology
- Sapir Academic College
- Shenkar College of Engineering, Design and Art
- Tel Aviv University
- The Committee of College Presidents
- The Max Stern Academic College of Emek Yezreel
- The National Union of Israeli students
- Centre for Higher Education Development Consult – Germany
- European Foundation for Management Development – Belgium
- Pedagogosche Hochschule Karnten – Austria
- The European Assoc iation for International Education - The Netherlands
- Universita Carlo Cattaneo – Italy
- Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore – Italy
- University of Bristol – UK
- Warsaw University of Technology – Poland